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Urban Rivals

Urban Rivals is a unique online multi-player card game. Each card represents a character (some of which are based on real people or well-known fictional characters). Each character has a specific Power and Damage, and belongs to a clan. Some cards have abilities that are either triggered or countered by another card's ability. However, a card should be at a certain level to reach that ability. To level up your characters, you have to challenge other players. After each fight, your characters will earn XP and become progressively stronger, to the point where they can unlock special abilities and bonuses! Each time one of your characters levels up, he'll get a new look.
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Veiksmo [95]
Kortos [6]
Puzzle [58]
Žodžiai [2]
Hidden object [98]
Strateginiai [12]
Multiuser [10]
Other [4]
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